SMB Board
June, 6th, 2023
Election of 2023-2024 SMB Board
June, 6th, 2023
Election of 2023-2024 SMB Board
Executive Board
SMB President: Alicia de Fuentes
Co-VP Donations: Mrudula Prashant
Co-VP Donations: Tista Kapoor
Co-Recording Secretary: Bharti Ramaswamy
Co-Recording Secretary: Nisha Hebbalae
Treasurer: Sneha Melkote
Parliamentarian*: Ramya Vasu
Auditor*: Outside Firm
(* Appointed)
Co-VP Donations: Mrudula Prashant
Co-VP Donations: Tista Kapoor
Co-Recording Secretary: Bharti Ramaswamy
Co-Recording Secretary: Nisha Hebbalae
Treasurer: Sneha Melkote
Parliamentarian*: Ramya Vasu
Auditor*: Outside Firm
(* Appointed)
Board Positions
Controller: Richard Aochi
Co-Financial Secretary: Jaya Sundra
Co-Financial Secretary: Chris Schilling
Accounts Payable Secretary: Nina Fu
Corresponding Secretary: Dhanashri Kulkarni
Publicity: Joyce Koh-Fernandez
Publicity: Isabel Oh
Publicity: Beryl Liu
Parent Webmaster: Thea Widmer
Student Webmaster: Oliver Su
SHS Alumni: Sameer Vaidya
SHS Band: Vrinda Gopal, Dongni Chen, Beryl Liu
SHS Choral Program: Kieran Coghlan, Anu Kangabam
SHS Color Guard/Winter Guard: Anu Kankanwadi (one open position)
SHS Orchestra: Rahul Agarwal, Marcelo Cintra (Two open positions)
SHS Percussion/Winter Percussion: Dongni Chen, Vrinda Gopal, Beryl Liu
SUSD / RMS Program Donations Chair: Ramya Vasu
5th Grade Instrumental Music:
Foothill Elementary: Virginia Young (will not have voting rights)
Argonaut Elementary: Josh Rupert
Saratoga Elementary: Sneha Melkote
RMS Music Programs: Suzie Kim
RMS Band: Tista Kapoor, Emily Yi
RMS Orchestra: Suzie Kim
RMS Choir: (one open position)
RMS Percussion: (one open position)
RMS Color Guard: Joyce Koh-Fernandez
RMS Marching Band: Ramya Vasu
Fundraising Event Chairs
Cookie Dough Sales: Lily Chow, Meghana Palande
Pancake Breakfast: Nisha Hebbalae, Catalina Rupert, Lily Chow
Pancake Breakfast Treasurer: Sneha Melkote
If you are interested in becoming involved in the above OPEN positions,
please contact Alicia de Fuentes. Board job descriptions can be found here.
Controller: Richard Aochi
Co-Financial Secretary: Jaya Sundra
Co-Financial Secretary: Chris Schilling
Accounts Payable Secretary: Nina Fu
Corresponding Secretary: Dhanashri Kulkarni
Publicity: Joyce Koh-Fernandez
Publicity: Isabel Oh
Publicity: Beryl Liu
Parent Webmaster: Thea Widmer
Student Webmaster: Oliver Su
SHS Alumni: Sameer Vaidya
SHS Band: Vrinda Gopal, Dongni Chen, Beryl Liu
SHS Choral Program: Kieran Coghlan, Anu Kangabam
SHS Color Guard/Winter Guard: Anu Kankanwadi (one open position)
SHS Orchestra: Rahul Agarwal, Marcelo Cintra (Two open positions)
SHS Percussion/Winter Percussion: Dongni Chen, Vrinda Gopal, Beryl Liu
SUSD / RMS Program Donations Chair: Ramya Vasu
5th Grade Instrumental Music:
Foothill Elementary: Virginia Young (will not have voting rights)
Argonaut Elementary: Josh Rupert
Saratoga Elementary: Sneha Melkote
RMS Music Programs: Suzie Kim
RMS Band: Tista Kapoor, Emily Yi
RMS Orchestra: Suzie Kim
RMS Choir: (one open position)
RMS Percussion: (one open position)
RMS Color Guard: Joyce Koh-Fernandez
RMS Marching Band: Ramya Vasu
Fundraising Event Chairs
Cookie Dough Sales: Lily Chow, Meghana Palande
Pancake Breakfast: Nisha Hebbalae, Catalina Rupert, Lily Chow
Pancake Breakfast Treasurer: Sneha Melkote
If you are interested in becoming involved in the above OPEN positions,
please contact Alicia de Fuentes. Board job descriptions can be found here.