Choir FAQs
Is high school choir difficult?
Just like anything worth your time, being in the SHS choir takes effort. However, we have a spot for ALL students, regardless of your current musical level. Our biggest wish is for all students to achieve consistently and enjoy the learning process. Every aspect of our program is designed to foster and encourage musical and personal maturity.
Is it possible to be in choir and in marching band or color guard?
Yes. By participating in either Marching Band or Color Guard, a choral student is able to satisfy the PE credits required for graduation.
Does choir take up all of my time?
No! This is perhaps the greatest misconception to incoming students and parents. Choir is a commitment, just like anything of worth, but does not prevent you from participation in other SHS classes, activities, and co-curriculars. The first quarter of the year encompasses the greatest amount of time outside of school, including the annual choir retreat, which is considered the “homework” for the class since no other work exists other than this rehearsal, memorizing and learning time. After this, time commitment is limited to class, home practice, and performances. Further, no other organization on campus has a greater success rate of everything from GPA to college placement than music. Structure and discipline work!
Can I play sports and/or participate in other co-curricular activities?
YES! In fact, most of our students are involved in sports or other co- curricular activities. We encourage you to participate in a variety of co- curricular activities. No mater what activities you pursue, you must keep an accurate schedule and iron out any conflicts that may arise beforehand. We have a systematic approach to help you with this, but it is up to you to keep your schedule straight, for the good of the choir and for the good of your other activities. With a little give and take, most things work out just fine. We have students involved in every sport on campus. Again, structure and discipline work!
What is the time commitment outside of the school day?
All year long, the each choir will have various performing opportunities ranging from weekend school performances and festival competitions to seasonal caroling “pop-out” performances during the school day. These events are built into the curriculum, and are considered the “homework”, similar to any other class. The calendar indicates these performances and students must arrange calendars accordingly, and see faculty with immovable conflicts.
What classes should I take?
Here is what a typical freshmen class schedule will look like for first semester:
Without fall sports:
1. English 9 2. PE or Marching Band PE 3. Health and Drivers Ed 4. Choir I 5. Math 6. Science 7. Foreign Language |
With fall sports:
1. English 9 2. Health and Driver's Ed 3. Math 4. Choir I 5. Science 6. Foreign Language 7. Sports PE |
Is it possible to be in choir and band?
Yes, definitely during Semester I. A choice between the two would need to be made during Semester II unless a student were enrolled in Winter Guard or Winter Percussion for PE credit.
Here's how it would look:
Here's how it would look:
Semester I:
1. Choir I 2. PE Marching Band (satisfies PE credit) 3. English 9 4. Health and Drivers Ed. 5. Math 6. Science 7. Foreign Language |
Semester II (without Winter Guard or Winter Percussion)
1. Choir 2. PE Class or Sport 3. English 9 4. Health and Drivers Ed. 5. Math 6. Science 7. Foreign Language Semester II (WITH Winter Guard or Winter Percussion) 1.Choir 2. Band 3. English 9 4. Health and Drivers Ed. 5. Math 6. Science 7. Foreign Language 8. (Outside of day) Winter Guard or Winter Percussion |
Do I need to be in choir both semesters?
Yes. The choir curriculum is set up as a year-long course, just as a foreign language class. Exceptions can be made in unusual circumstances, but must be approved by Mr. Ford, Mr. Boitz and the SHS Guidance Department.
Why are there different choirs and not just one?
We are fortunate to offer different choral groups to facilitate the learning process that fosters educational growth to the performing musician over the course of four years. Most incoming freshman women are placed in Cantare, and then progress into the Concert Choir or audition for Chamber Singers as a sophomore, junior or senor. Men are placed in Concert Choir as freshman, and have the option of staying in that ensemble or auditioning into Chamber Singers the following year. Course descriptions are found below.
CE (Cantare Ensemble) Women, Grades 9-12
This ensemble is open to all incoming freshman women and any student who has no prior singing experience. This class introduces concepts of developing good tone, ear-training techniques, music reading, and artistic expression. Literature from the Renaissance to the contemporary periods will be performed. Attendance at all performance and festivals is required.
CC (Concert Choir) Men, Grades 9-12 & Women, Grades 10-12
Concert Choir is a mixed vocal ensemble open to men and women. It is designed to propel students toward an advanced ensemble as they progress in the choral program throughout their high school experience. It combines students of all grade levels, and fosters an environment of diverse learning. Introductory music theory, vocal technique, and sight singing are covered in this course. All students complete a section placement audition at the beginning of the school year. Students will sing music from the Renaissance to Contemporary periods, and sing in several foreign languages. Students are also encouraged to audition for regional and state honor choir.
CH (Chamber Singers) Men, Grades 10-12 & Women, Grades 10-12
This class is an audition-only mixed ensemble involving 24-32 advanced choral musicians in grades 10-12. Priority placement for Chamber Singers is given to 11th and 12th grade students. Chamber Singers is our top vocal ensemble at SHS, and continues to focus on growing and refining musicianship skills. This ensemble performs music of all periods, in many languages, and represents the choral department in many on campus and outside community events. Students are encouraged, but not required, to audition for the regional, state and national honor choirs, sponsored through ACDA (American Choral Directors Association). More information on the honor choirs can be found at
SR (Saratoga Ringers)
Saratoga High School offers a Handbell Chor, open to students of all grade levels. The group meets afterschool once a week for a two-hour rehearsal. Even if you have never played handbells before, no audition is necessairy. However, basic music reading skills are necessary. The bell- choir performs at the choir concerts during the year.
CE (Cantare Ensemble) Women, Grades 9-12
This ensemble is open to all incoming freshman women and any student who has no prior singing experience. This class introduces concepts of developing good tone, ear-training techniques, music reading, and artistic expression. Literature from the Renaissance to the contemporary periods will be performed. Attendance at all performance and festivals is required.
CC (Concert Choir) Men, Grades 9-12 & Women, Grades 10-12
Concert Choir is a mixed vocal ensemble open to men and women. It is designed to propel students toward an advanced ensemble as they progress in the choral program throughout their high school experience. It combines students of all grade levels, and fosters an environment of diverse learning. Introductory music theory, vocal technique, and sight singing are covered in this course. All students complete a section placement audition at the beginning of the school year. Students will sing music from the Renaissance to Contemporary periods, and sing in several foreign languages. Students are also encouraged to audition for regional and state honor choir.
CH (Chamber Singers) Men, Grades 10-12 & Women, Grades 10-12
This class is an audition-only mixed ensemble involving 24-32 advanced choral musicians in grades 10-12. Priority placement for Chamber Singers is given to 11th and 12th grade students. Chamber Singers is our top vocal ensemble at SHS, and continues to focus on growing and refining musicianship skills. This ensemble performs music of all periods, in many languages, and represents the choral department in many on campus and outside community events. Students are encouraged, but not required, to audition for the regional, state and national honor choirs, sponsored through ACDA (American Choral Directors Association). More information on the honor choirs can be found at
SR (Saratoga Ringers)
Saratoga High School offers a Handbell Chor, open to students of all grade levels. The group meets afterschool once a week for a two-hour rehearsal. Even if you have never played handbells before, no audition is necessairy. However, basic music reading skills are necessary. The bell- choir performs at the choir concerts during the year.
Does the choir tour?
Yes. Extensive tours, however, are not mandatory. We typically take a major tour every 3 years, with small tours in between. Our last major international tour was during the summer of 2012 to Italy, before that in 2009 to Italy, prior to that in 2006 we were performing in Australia, and Europe again before that. This Spring we will conclude the 2014-2015 year with a trip to Pasadena to the view the California All State Honor Choir performances, where 5 of our own SHS choir students will be performing.
Are there fundraisers to help pay for choir events and tours?
Yes. We have several every year. Students will have their own “account” set up by our music boosters for these purposes.
Is it hard to get an "A" in choir?
95% of our students earn an “A” in choir. Earning anything less than an “A” means you are simply not meeting the proficiency and commitment requirements. You will receive a detailed grading policy in your orchestra syllabus.
Do I have to attend all performances?
Yes! Choir is a group performance class. Performance situations can’t be recreated around each individual student. These growth experiences occur infrequently and are very important to the development of the student. Since we depend on each other so much, it is a great loss to miss anyone. Each student’s contribution is critical and irreplaceable. You will receive a performance schedule well in advance. If changes occur in the schedule, you will be notified immediately.
Do I have to take private lessons?
We highly recommend students take private or group lessons of some sort. However, they are not required. Students who truly excel academically are usually involved with private lessons. Successful music programs typically have a large percentage of their students studying privately. The frequency of lessons varies greatly. Some students take an hour private lesson weekly, some 30 minutes, some every other week, etc. Please see Mr. Ford or another faculty if you need a recommendation or list of potential private teachers in the area. Students who do not study privately are highly encouraged to seek extra help as often as needed.
Does choir look good on college applications?
ABSOLUTELY! CHOIR STUDENTS CLEARLY STAND OUT! In fact, most college admissions departments seek out music students, as they recognize all that is involved in our academic discipline. Our graduates are attending some of the top universities and colleges in the country. Every year, the music office phone rings with questions from college admissions departments regarding our students. Most of our students stand out when compared to non-music students, and every year we have graduates earning scholarships based on their music participation and academic merit. No other organization on campus at SHS stands out in the way the Music Program (bands, choirs, orchestras, color guard, and percussion) does.